Pheromones and Lures
Pheromones and Lures

Suzukii Trap (Red base/transparent top)

New Suzukii trap for monitoring and containment of Drosophila suzukii.

Russell IPM’s Suzukii traps have been developed to be highly effective at the trapping of Drosophila suzukii. Its weatherproof casing is designed for all seasons, lasting through several years. There durable traps come with a plastic cover that makes them suitable for outdoors, rainy and dusty environments. It is meant for use with pheromone lures for the monitoring and mass trapping of flying insects, with three enforced openings on the sides of the trap through which the flies can enter but not leave easily.

Pheromone – Tortrix viridana

Benefits of the Suzukii trap:

  • Durable and hard-wearing for both indoor and outdoor trapping.
  • Special bright yellow colour attractive to fruit fly species.
  • Robust trap can be used for several seasons.
  • Simple to install and maintain.

The red Suzukii trap has been developed specifically for monitoring and trapping Drosophila suzukii in fruit crops. The trap’s entry points have been designed to prevent larger beneficial insects from entering and its red colour is particularly attractive to Drosophila suzukii and similar fruit fly (Drosophilid) species. This versatile trap has an attachment inside, so it can be combined with Russell IPM’s long-lasting dry lure, or with MaxDro wet lure, or a combination of both to maximise trap catch.

Before cropping, place 80-100 Suzukii traps per hectare around the edge of the crop at 2-10m intervals. As the cropping season progresses, increase the trap density and move traps into the crop, using one trap per 500m2.

Oak Leafroller Moth Pheromone Trap